Dear [insert names]:

[Personalized welcome]

It’s not surprising that most of us feel our civilization is in a tough place and many are struggling to find hope. I’ve been training as a facilitator to host conversations that give us hope. Please join me for a little experiment where we’ll imagine a thousand generations into the future that there is a Golden Civilization. What does it look like? Feel like? How do people communicate, exchange goods, and govern themselves? And what else can we each do to move towards it right now?

I would love it if you would join me for a conversation about the future.





These conversations have been inspired by author George Kinder’s latest work, A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, which is currently available on Amazon. To learn more, visit

Each of you came to mind as thoughtful contributors to these engaging conversations. Bring your wildest ideas to a conversation about the future!

I look forward to having you present.


[Host Name]

[Host contact info] 

Suggested Attachments: Preview of A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness


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