Golden Civilization Conversation: Traci Ruble and George Kinder

Yesterday, George was joined by Traci Ruble of Sidewalk Talk for a Golden Civilization Conversation via Facebook Live, the first in his second season of conversations via Facebook Live.

Traci speaks about her own organization and its mission of active listening and how it can be connected to both mindfulness practice as well as her background as a couples therapist. Both the Kinder Institute and Sidewalk Talk have this in common: this commitment to deep listening and authentic connection. George and Traci speak to the processes of active listening, such as reflect and respond, and how to avoid making the listening seem formulaic to the person talking. Both George and Traci understand the importance of listening as opposed to talking and when that can be the most powerful action. They discuss a Golden Civilization where every interpersonal interaction (community engagement, coparenting, and even politics, and economics) is built from a place where every person feels loved and protected.

Traci Ruble has a Masters in Counseling Psychology and an undergraduate degree in Political Science.  Prior to becoming a psychotherapist, she came up in the corporate world in publishing and high tech. Traci believes prizing human connection over identity politics is the most revolutionary form of protest you can take up and the best thing you can do for overall health. She is a self-described “bottom dweller” meaning she likes the messy aspects of being human.  More recently Traci has started doing more public speaking around the world. When Traci is not working she is goofing off with her husband, two young sons, running in the trees or being in, on or near the ocean.

You can read more about Traci and Sidewalk Talk here.