Golden Civilization Conversation: Anne Carolyn Klein and George Kinder

On Tuesday, George was joined by Anne Carolyn Klein for a Golden Civilization Conversation.

Their deep and probing interview covers topics from Anne’s books, both translations and Buddhist scholarly works, and her inspiration to write them, Anne’s identification as a feminist, and her work at Rice University and Dawn Mountain. They speak in depth about Buddhism, covering themes of interdependence, great completeness, and freedom from bias. When it comes to their discussion of A Golden Civilization, they discuss similarities to the Golden Rule, and how this kind of change, though it can start from a small place, requires big systematic change. They close with the importance of imagination and belief that we can get there.

Anne Carolyn Klein (Lama Rigzin Drolma) is Professor of Religious Studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas and co-founding director and resident teacher at Dawn Mountain, a Tibetan temple, community center and research institute. She specializes in Buddhist thought and practice, Tibetan philosophical texts, Tibetan language, Contemplative Studies and Women's studies, with an emphasis in traditions associated with the Heart Essence Vast Expanse. Her books explore the nature of perception, consciousness and mystic experience as understood from a variety of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Her most recent book, Strand of Jewels: My Teachers' Essential Guidance on Dzogchen is a translation of the Dzogchen text by Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche.

For more information about Anne’s books, please visit