East-West Center

Golden Civilization Conversation: George Kinder at Matsunaga Institute

As a part of his world tour for his book, A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, George visited The University of Hawaii at Mānoa and gave several talks there to differing audiences. On Thursday afternoon, George delivered his Keynote, Life Planning, Mindfulness, and A Golden Civilization at a Chai Time event at the historic East-West Center, sponsored by the Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

With over 35 people in the room, George spoke about his life planning work and how the changing world around him led him to life plan civilization. He then facilitated a Golden Civilization Conversation. The group discussed their vision for A Golden Civilization and felt committed to action steps they suggested during the conversation.

George also spoke at the Shidler College of Business to assembled faculty, students, and staff, followed by a break-out Golden Civilization Conversation. His final event was a private client event for 3D Wealth Advisors, where he facilitated a breakout Golden Civilization Conversation as well.

Don’t forget to tag @AGoldenCivilization or @George_Kinder when posting photos of any events. We loved seeing this post from the Matsunaga Institute.
