George Kinder Collaborates with Daughter, London Kinder, to Write Protest Songs During Their "COVID Summer"

Golden Civilization Conversation founder, George Kinder, shares his latest project to bring about change and A Golden Civilization: Shine Through, an album of Protest Songs, the 72-year-old Kinder composed and recorded with his 16-year-old daughter, London Kinder.

“Obviously I am not objective, but I think the songs are beautiful, inspiring and a call to action in these challenging times.  As you will hear in our YouTube conversation (link below), we wrote these songs to make a difference now,” Kinder said of the album and the purpose behind releasing them now, in the weeks leading up to the US federal election.

Below is a video interview that London and George recorded about why they decided to produce the album and what inspired them while writing the songs.

Two songs in particular, are anthems for A Golden Civilization: Shine Through and Freedom Song. Below are a few words from George and London about the songs and their accompanying videos!

Shine Through: 

Our strongest song of protest. London and George Kinder here. Inspiring. An anthem to courage and shining through adversity. Listen for an anthem of what we stand for, and the strength to keep fighting for the future we envision!

Freedom Song:

A celebration of Mother Earth and her environment of freedom for all creatures; if you are part of the environmental movement or merely a lover of the natural world we live in, we think you will love this anthem to Earth and its environment of freedom. 

The songs are available to stream now on Spotify, Apple Music, and other platforms and each song is also available on YouTube, where George and London can be seen singing together and share a little bit about each song. The lyrics are available in the video descriptions if you care to follow along as you listen!

“I encourage you to listen to the album and if you like what you hear and see, please share through social media, emails and word of mouth! If you have any great or wild ideas of how we can spread the message, please feel free to share them with me!” says Kinder.

As inspiration, here are a few places that you could share the songs if their messages speak to you:

  • Start your Golden Civilization Conversations or activist group meetings with the anti-Trump song, “The Fifteen” and end with the anthem to courage in the struggle, “Shine Through

  • Play and sing them at protests and in your cars

  • Send them with an endorsement to any influencers in the democracy, environmental or anti-racism movements

  • Share them with your children and grandchildren