digital magazine

Reasons to be Cheerful Embodies Investigative Journalism in A Golden Civilization

Reasons to be Cheerful refers to itself as a non-profit editorial project that is tonic for tumultuous times. Using the kind of evidence-based investigative journalism George describes in A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, Reasons to be Cheerful spreads the word of institutions living out their visions of a better world, what we know to be A Golden Civilization.

History of Reasons to Be Cheerful

From their website, “Reasons to be Cheerful was founded by artist and musician David Byrne, who believes in the power of approaching the world with curiosity—in art, in music, in collaboration and in life. Under the banner of Byrne’s Arbutus Foundation, Reasons to be Cheerful embodies this sensibility, applying it now to the future of our world. Through stories of hope, rooted in evidence, Reasons to be Cheerful aims to inspire us all to be curious about how the world can be better, and to ask ourselves how we can be part of that change.”

“Reasons” are smart, proven, replicable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Sharp investigative reporting balance healthy optimism with journalistic rigor and find cause for hope. The goal for the platform is “part magazine, part therapy session, part blueprint for a better world.”

Investigative Journalism in A Golden Civilization

From A Golden Civilization and The Map of Mindfulness: “The overarching standard for media to be a transparent window on our world must be to model integrity and deliver freedom, all the while seeing into the cutting edge of what is required for civilization to flourish. In a Golden Civilization, all people have access to media, Media embodies the highest standards of truth-telling. Investigative journalists are stars. Scientific discovery, self-knowledge, and great hearts are norms, inspiringly so. The best of journalism approaches works of art. In a Golden Civilization, we think of media as figures or expressions or experiences of wisdom, with authenticity flourishing on all levels.”

With stories about organizations making a difference in Civic Engagement, Climate/Energy Culture, Economics, Education, Health Science/Tech, and Urban/Transportation, Reasons to be Cheerful is impacting their readers with stories meant to inspire and give hope, while also spreading knowledge of the compassionate, wise work of these organizations. Truly an embodiment of great hearts and great minds.

Produced and Directed by Nick Schiarizzi Videography by Jack Pearce Animation by Scott Gelber Music by David Byrne