Golden Civilization Conversation: Greet Selderslaghs and George Kinder

Yesterday, George and Greet Selderslaghs broadcast their Golden Civilization Conversation.

George and Greet begin their conversation about the “freelance” Golden Civilization Conversation that Greet facilitated last February while on the beach with a group of her friends. Watch their conversation, where Greet speaks about her relationship with Biodanza, (literally the dance of life). Biodanza is recognized as a system of self-development that uses music, movement and positive feelings to deepen self-awareness. It seeks to promote the ability to make a holistic link to oneself and one's emotions and to express them. They discuss the importance of community and how to bring humanity to corporations and institutions.

Greet Selderslaghs is a Registered Life Planner®, founder of and career coach at The Art of Good Living. She is a writer as well. She has been teaching Biodanza classes regularly for 50 years and feels passionate about spreading the movement globally. Greet is also a Life Club host, leading monthly workshops on personal growth.

You can read more about Greet here: